agreed, they are engineering giants...except when it comes to engineering me a damn dryer. i'm hanging my clothes on a line like a sucker, as is everybody who lives around me.
my boss, on the other hand, has a washer that is ALSO a dryer. I'm waiting for the American response, which is sure to be a different kind of dryer that you install next to your washing machine and your regular dryer and is chrome.
I took a picture of this kind of bus in Tokyo too! I will find it and send it to you! Hilariously inappropriate.
what does it say underneath?...
was it a short bus?
The Japanese are engineering giants but even they can't make a bus fly. Or can they?
agreed, they are engineering giants...except when it comes to engineering me a damn dryer. i'm hanging my clothes on a line like a sucker, as is everybody who lives around me.
my boss, on the other hand, has a washer that is ALSO a dryer. I'm waiting for the American response, which is sure to be a different kind of dryer that you install next to your washing machine and your regular dryer and is chrome.
dave-- nope, it was actually an extra-long bus.
courtney-- I have no idea what it says...I'll ask Lisa, I think she understands their freakishly complicated character system.
i think that the bus might actually say retrader.
as for the american response, come back stateside and see. we actually do have a single unit washer-dryer.
yeah, so i should have blown that picture up. nevermind the last comment.
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