Saturday, August 11, 2007

A Trip to a Japanese Beach

Believe it or not, Japan has many beaches. Today, we went to one. I was impressed--good sand, no rocks, lots of neck-high water, and a buoyed-off section to cut down on waves. Like many things here, the beach was very tidy and well thought-out. Still, I miss the Oregon coast. The freezing water and rough-hewn wilderness landscape has a cool vibe. Unspoiled, if you will.

After we swam, we went out for lunch. I've forgotten how spending a half hour in the sun and saltwater can inexplicably make one exhausted and ravenous. Has anyone done any research on the whole "sea air" being good for your health/appetite thing? I remember lots of scenes in old books about sickly patients being sent to the coast for recuperation, and I'm wondering if that's based in any science?

Here are a few pictures:

This is whale meat. It is but one delicacy which was greedily shoveled down my throat. The texture was kind of a cross between beef and tuna. It wasn't bad.

This is the ocean. I had some thrilling landscape shots, but I thought I'd give you a temporary break from those. For now.

Who can resist a picture of a flower?

That's all for now, I have to go to bed early since I'm getting up at 6AM for my first row. I'm predicting some hilarious language-related mishaps involving me catching crabs and not stopping when everyone else does, etc...maybe I'll see if I can just erg...


Unknown said...

How do I hate thee.

Anonymous said...

The Japanese Beach sounds so nice and safe! Here in good ol' CB, surfers were rousted from the water just south of the needles a couple of days ago due to a seal being eaten by a Great White within a 100 feet of the beach. Later reports were that the Warren House pub sold out of nachos and beer within a hour of the incident.....sea air induced hunger or FEAR??? Seen any shark on the menu you yet?

Anonymous said...

Lisa, don't read the above post.

Nate said...

Wow, that's crazy...I would love to see a Great White. Preferably from a distance while holding an explosive-tipped harpoon gun. So did anybody get any pictures of this shark attack?

And yeah, you can get shark, but I guess it's not great. I'll try it if the opportunity arises and report back.