Sunday, October 14, 2007

Weekend Trip to Fukishima; Pic Dump

Let me tell you the story of my weekend in pictures, because I'm too lazy to write much.

Mochi! Who can say no to a blob of dough on a stick?

This guy is the adult, Japanese embodiment of my 14-year-old self, so I needed to snap a picture to remind myself why I started a sport and gave up Star Wars novels.

Not sure what this vending machine was selling, but I wasn't buying anything from these damn hippies.

Forest near Fukushima...saw some people in a rowboat and the light turned out interesting...

The mighty castle.

From a samurai's manor near the castle.

Tea ceremony.

Tea ceremony again...really lends itself to photography, I think.


Anonymous said...

Very nice photos!

Nate said...

Thanks! The rowboat one turned out to look pretty odd, but cool.