Sunday, January 6, 2008

Vacation Pictures!

It used to be (according to the movies that are my only reference) when someone invited you to look at vacation pictures, you approached the event with dread. It meant sitting captive on someone's couch, watching slide after slide of his pasty family waving in front of the Eifel Tower. Well, this is 2008, and we demand instant gratification.

So here are a select few of my vacation pictures. The best part is that you can look at all of them in about 2 minutes--less if you get bored. It's a great time to be alive and distractable!

The drive to the beach, like Kate Moss, was cold, beautiful, and coated in a fine white powder.

Tis Homer, the greatest Dane of them all!

This picture looks like it should be on the cover of an Ayn Rand novel about the indestructible power of man's spirit or something. There's so much majesty, strength, mystery, and explosive greatness contained in this photograph, that it takes away from it when I tell you it's just 2 of my friends being dumbasses.

This is also awesome. When you fall on your ass and your reaction is still one of defiant triumph, you win at life.


Unknown said...

i guess sean drank himself under the table.

Anonymous said...


Nate said...

David: I had quite a lul at that. I think your comment would be even better if you took that picture and added an awesome caption and made it into a Fark meme. Something like "No, YOU'RE drunk."

d- what?

Unknown said...

that picture does have the makings of a fantastic internet meme.

Anonymous said...

Just dinging your Frenchiness or lack thereof. Does Matt have a comb-over going?!

Unknown said...

no such thing is going on- i'd just woken up and my hair sucked. but to prove it, perhaps i should shave my head, eh?

Nate said...

Shave your head if you must, but I beg of you: spare your bangs.