Sunday, September 2, 2007

This Man Out Spinal Taps Spinal Tap

This has nothing to do with Japan, but it's one of the shreddingest things I've ever seen, so you should watch it:


Unknown said...

I bet his amp goes to at least 12.

Nate said...

This two guitars. It has double know, when you just need that extra little bit and you're soloing up the strings 1 2 3 4 5 6 oh no! I've run out of strings! But then, but then look here...I've got another six, haven't I?

But why not just add more strings to 1 guitar?

Because. This guitar is 2 guitars.

Unknown said...

....and what would Freud say?

Nate said...

"I'm dead."

Anonymous said...

Yes, but he's since he's dead he couldn't really say that, right? If he *weren't* dead, he'd say "my slip is showing".

Speaking of ridiculous rock stars, NPR rebroadcast a classic Terry Gross interview with Gene Simmons (thus bringing it to my attention) and you should give it a listen:

Nate said...

Gene Simmons is one the few unabashedly ruthless and terrible people you see these days. Though he is quotable- "KISS never sold out...because KISS never bought in!"

And yeah, isn't that the interview where he hits on Terry Gross?

Anonymous said...

Indeed. One of the creepy parts is when Terry asks him about the 4600+ sexual liaisons he's supposed to have had at that point. Simmons said he verified the number for the book by counting his memento ...polaroids... of the women one by one. He also doesn't like his women to drink or use drugs so they can properly experience him with all of their senses. I listened to it with K and both of us were completely gobsmacked. Wow.